Popular Debug Programming Tips
Check if my iOS App is running under the debugger
Sergi Gracia
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xcode, debug, debugger, ios
Dumping a Doctrine2 object without killing cats
Damien Alexandre
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debug, dump, doctrine2, help
Debugging your PHP Code: XDebug on MAMP with TextMate and MacGDBp Support
Adam Patterson
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php, debug, xdbug, macgdbp
Use weinre to inspect mobile browsers
1 response
css, console, debug, js
Visual Debugging Tool for iOS. A powerful UIView hierarchy viewer desktop app and toolset.
C. Bess
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ios, simulator, debug, mac
Useful Macros for iOS Project
Alessandro Maroldi
1 response
ios, xcode, debug, macro
NodeJS Console Object Debug Inspector
Bob Williams
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debug, debugging, javascript, nodejs
Add ChromePhp to Wordpress
olivo pablo
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log, debug, tool, wordpress
Debug RESTful clients with echo.httpkit.com
Stanislaw Pusep
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debug, http, rest
Pry is a better debugger for Ruby/Rails
Cory Simmons
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ruby, rails, debug, pry
Install Xdebug in PHP and Integrate with VsCode
0 responses
php, debug, xdebug
Epic simple way of quickly swaping two chunks of CSS or JS
Nico Fantino
2 responses
css, debug, trick, play
XDebug CLI with PhpStorm
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
php, danielcsgomes, debug, cli
Debugging Magento inside a Vagrant Box
Sebas Po
0 responses
debug, magento, vagrant, virtual box
Firefox + Backbone Debugging
Hélder Duarte
0 responses
firefox, debug, debugger, backbone
python equivilant of bash -x
Ramez Hanna
0 responses
python, debug, tips and tricks
Prettify print_r output
Montana Flynn
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php, debug, helper, function
Prevent page from going anywhere
Ricardo Magalhães
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debug, js, url, redirect
Breakpoints in JS
Raúl Barroso
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debug, js, breakpoint
Firefox 3D view legend
Gonçalo Morais
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css, html, firefox, debug
Live log stream of apps running on Azure Websites
Giuliano Iacobelli
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php, log, debug, azure
Tracing calls in AngularJS
Laurent Perrin
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debug, http, tracing, angularjs
Basic Javascript Debug
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
1 response
chrome, firefox, debug, javascript
Debug Phonegap
Rafael Gumieri
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ios, debug, mobile, ipad
How-to Git bisect
Dimitri Jorge
0 responses
debug, git-bisect, git, github