Popular Curl Programming Tips
Check if a file exists with php and curl
Pedro Luz
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php, file, curl, exists
PHP: Procedural to Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
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php, proxy, api, curl
Pretty print JSON responses with curl/ruby
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, curl, json
Web Scraping with Modern Perl
Stanislaw Pusep
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perl, curl, mojolicious, web scraping
Measure HTTP response times with cURL and store it on Cosm
Ilya Dmitrichenko
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http, curl, cosm, response
cURL for Humans
Sebastian Rajo
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http, curl, json, form
Make cURL in PHP less sucky
Nate Good
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php, http, rest, api
Easily Format JSON Output from CURL
Kevin McFadden
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curl, json
PHP cURL custom headers
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php, curl
PHP: Chainable cURL Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
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php, api, curl, oop
Command line tool alternative to curl for toying with APIs
Christoph Lühr
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cli, http, curl, json
Make file upload with curl in terminal
Silas Bolotta Ribas
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console, terminal, file, curl
Laravel 4 on Ubuntu 13.10
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curl, json, mcrypt, laravel 4
Decrypt shortened URL, the minimal way
Malte Bublitz
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shell, cli, linux, curl
Read Monit status from the command line using html2text
Mike Hall
3 responses
console, linux, curl, html2text
Get GitHub API oauth token with curl.
Jens Grassel
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shell, api, curl, oauth
Quickest way to get your external ip: curl http://httpbin.org/ip
Bruce Wang
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http, curl, ip, httpbin
Check for valid (not dead) links using PHP
Miloš Matić
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php, links, curl
Httpie for poor people
Igor Guerrero
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python, http, curl, httpie
Pretty JSON in shell
Matias Korhonen
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python, shell, k33l0r, curl
Install all the DMG's!!!
Marc Trudel
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osx, curl, installer, bash
Dennis Hotson
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http, rest, curl
need a curl with cookie?
Andrey Savelyev
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curl, cookie
Proxy large file downloads through SSH
Devin Weaver
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ssh, curl, fifo