Popular Css Programming Tips
In SublimeText 2, when editing CSS media queries, use the 2 or 3 column layout
Leon Gaban
0 responses
css, sublimetext2, media queries
Fix Those Resizing Columns!
Tim G. Thomas
0 responses
css, html, table, column
Responsive Images
Alex Sears
2 responses
css, responsive
How to Develop a Wordpress Plugin
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php, css, html, new wordpress plugin
Avoid HF&J's cloud.typography
Stephen Tvedt
0 responses
css, typography, html, web
css-scratch page using jQuery bind()
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css, html, jquery
File/dir watcher
Alexandru G.
0 responses
php, css, less
Positioning a footer at the bottom
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
css, html, footer
A good argument against blindly using ready-made HTML boilerplate templates
Stephan Sokolow
0 responses
css, html, javascript
Sass str-reverse function
0 responses
css, sass, scss, str-reverse
JAM with your Friends online
Tim Pietrusky
1 response
css, html, javascript, chrome experiment
css inline-block ie7 hack
Chungsub Kim
4 responses
css, ie7, inline-block
Create tab view without JavaScript
Tatu Kairi
0 responses
css, html, javascript
CSS/Stylus Text Borders
Jordan Klassen
0 responses
css, stylus, border, styl
SASS Nesting
Chris Ostrowski
2 responses
css, sass, scss, less
CSS3 Filters
Ajay Jain
0 responses
css, css3, html5
Foundation 4 ready
Ignacio Soriano Cano
0 responses
css, foundation, zurb, zepto
Correct Google Maps Icons in combination with Foundation
Merianos Nikos
0 responses
css, foundation, google maps