Popular Bash Programming Tips
Zero a file w/bash
Aaron Kaufman
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Change directory to current Finder's path
Theo Pack
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bash, osx, mac
Mine Data from Last.fm
Stephen Niedzielski
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bash, last.fm
Git CLI: Make sure you're in color
Chris Higgins
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git, bash, shell
Get a screenshoot from android adb
Davide Gessa
0 responses
bash, android, script, mobile
Search shell history
Marc Cantwell
0 responses
shell, bash, cli, unix
Git status for all repositories in subdirectories of current dir.
Hans Kuijpers
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command line, git, bash
clean /tmp on bash logout
0 responses
bash, tmp, logout
Useful Bash Command
0 responses
Bash function to restore a deleted file in a Git repository
Rick Pearson
0 responses
bash, git, undelete, restore
Run command (eg. unit test) until failure (to test race condition)
Jiew Meng
0 responses
unit testing, bash
Git remove deleted files
0 responses
git, bash, xarg
Launch sublime from terminal OS X
Misha Behersky
0 responses
sublime, bash, terminal, osx
Bash back function
Jacek Dominiak
0 responses
bash, function, back
Lesson learned: Backup your database and here's how!
Lewis Nakao
0 responses
mysql, cron, bash, cpanel