Popular Automation Programming Tips
Grunt.js : sample setup for a static file server and less to css compiler
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web, automation, javascript, gruntjd
Building Jenkins on multiple servers
Kostas Demiris
0 responses
python, automation, jenkins
UI Automation Gotchas
Karthik Sirasanagandla
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automation, ui
scroll element into view
daniel anggrianto
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automation, selenium, java
Generate your CHANGELOG.MD with GitHub Issues
0 responses
github, git, automation, changelog
My first workflows for the Alfred V2 Beta
Ryan Paul
0 responses
automation, os x
SSH-FS Script.py
John Murray
0 responses
python, automation, sshfs
Gathering information in linux is a big task.. Let's use automation script :-)
0 responses
github, shell, git, script
Why I stopped worrying about task runners/build tools
Rodrigo Dumont
0 responses
shell, .net, automation
Remove 5 last modified files on bash
Juan Diego Gonzales
0 responses
shell, bash, command line, linux
Drupal : Clean Drush documentation
Paul Michalet
0 responses
documentation, drush, drupal, automation
Automated acceptance testing on iOS
Saager Mhatre
0 responses
slideshare, automation, testing, uiautomation
get IPs via CLI
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
cli, ipv4, ipv6, bash
Updating the HTML of your GitHub Pages site with very little effort
Ryan Parman
0 responses
git, github, pages, jekyll