Popular Array Programming Tips
Easy string formatting with JavaScript // Ember.js
Maciej Smoliński
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js, string, array, arguments
Select array as rows in postgresql
Felipe Elias Philipp
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postgres, array, unnest, postgresql
Array#sample and Array#shuffle using SecureRandom
2 responses
ruby, array, securerandom, rand
"One line" PHP Array to Object
Leonardo Prado
4 responses
php, type cast, array, object
Converting Integer to Array with ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, array, integer
array_column implementation for PHP <= 5.5
Dmitry Polovka
1 response
php, array, column, array_column
array_length in Postgresql
Jerry Clinesmith
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functions, array, postgresql
Rspec array equality
Dmitry Novotochinov
4 responses
array, rspec, equality
Javascript string endsWith()
Matthew Brown
0 responses
string, underscore, array, javascript
PHP count() is very slow.
Daniel Pepin
1 response
php, array
Unique values in JavaScript Arrays
5 responses
array, unique, duplicate, javascript
Ruby - Instantiate Hash from Array
Andrew Hunter
0 responses
ruby, hash, array
Count occurrences of uniques in ruby
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ruby, rails, ror, array
Like array_search, but searches a full string
Jorge Colon
2 responses
php, tip, search, unit testing
C++ esoteric obfuscated array indexing: index[array]
Alexander Brevig
1 response
cpp, array, c, esoteric
Reverse an Array in Windows Batch
John Bevan
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script, batch, array, windows
Luã de Souza
0 responses
jquery, array, jquery plugin
Read nested object property ( t('a.b.c') ) via string in JS
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attributes, keys, hash, helper
Check a 1D array for emptiness
kanuj bhatnagar
7 responses
php, array
Search string_to_array in Rails and PostgreSQL
Yacobus Reinhart
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activerecord, array, hstore, rails
Php's foreach with string key
Henrotte Simon
1 response
php, string, array, foreach
PHP Array Accessor Gotcha / Unexpected behavior
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, array, gotcha, wat
Random output from an array in PHP
Serge K. Keller
0 responses
php, beginner, output, array
How to accept one or more arguments
Michel Billard
1 response
ruby, array, arguments
Two ways to convert an array of any length into a string with "and" before final entry in PHP
Anthony Levings
0 responses
php, array, author, function