Popular Alias Programming Tips
Alias for removing Vim swap files
Jack Hsu
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zsh, alias, vim, bash
usefull Mac OS CLI Aliase
Philipp Haußleiter
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alias, cli, mac, checksum
ZSH: Setting completion on when using aliases
Rodrigo Flores
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zsh, alias, git, hub
Pipe man-pages to Preview
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shell, alias, man
My Git shortcuts for the bash
Beat Bolli
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alias, shortcut, bash
Show alias content
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alias, type, linux
Actualiza Alias en Ubuntu sin reiniciar
Gastón Nina
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shell, terminal, alias, linux
Handling arguments in bash alias
Ezekiel Kigbo
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haml, alias, arguments, html
2 simple aliases
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terminal, alias, open, edit
How to list unpushed commits (using alias)
Hernán Chilabert
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alias, git, unpushed
Force ignore on your .gitignore
Joe Critchley
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git, alias, command line, cli
Is Git too quiet? Make it talk!
Magnus Dahlstrand
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git, log, alias, fun
OSX open command in CYGWIN
Jacek Dominiak
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shell, zsh, alias, bash
Delete merged git flow branches
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alias, git flow, git
update rails test DB after a running a migration
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shell, rails, alias, migration
Remove git branch locally and on remote
Dawson Botsford
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shell, sh, linux, unix
Using sudo with an alias
Marius Cotofana
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bash, terminal, alias, sudo
Be polite!
Alexander Edunov
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alias, command line, unix
Autocompose changelog for git projects
Alexander Schepanovski
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shell, alias, changelog, changes
Bash Aliases for Everything
Russell Fair
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alias, bash
Some useful bash aliases on OS X
Keith Gable
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alias, osx, bash
Stick these two aliases in your .gitconfig to ease cleaning and updating your dev branches!
Dan Bennett
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alias, cli, development, branching
Alias to strip comments from a file
Valcho Nedelchev
0 responses
shell, bash, alias, sh