Popular Terminal Programming Tips
Sort Lines of Text in Any OSX Application
Jeff Remer
4 responses
shell, terminal, xcode, osx
Launch Sublime Text 2 from a terminal in Mac OS
Matt Munday
5 responses
shell, terminal, editor, sublime text 2
macOS: Get battery percentage from command line
0 responses
macos, battery, power, terminal
Fixing "fsck / terminated with status 4" Ubuntu boot error
Akapo Damilola Francis
2 responses
terminal, linux, vilgax321, ubuntu
Copy/paste text in Urxvt (rxvt-unicode) using keyboard
0 responses
terminal, urxvt, linux, xclip
Unix create multiple files under directories
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, console, terminal, unix
syntax highlighting in the terminal with pygments
Tom Jakubowski
4 responses
console, terminal, colors, syntax highlighting
Open the Xcworkspace file in the current directory
Bram Plessers
1 response
workspace, terminal, xcode, osx
Seamlessly navigate tmux and vim splits
Mislav Marohnić
4 responses
terminal, vim, tmux
Git Autocompletion in OS X Terminal
Hatem Mahmoud
0 responses
terminal, os x, git
Show rails test logs in terminal
0 responses
rails, terminal, logs, tests
Windows boot2docker - pimp your terminal console with ConEmu
Martin W. Kirst
5 responses
terminal, open source, windows, boot2docker
Make Git ignore Filemode changes
Danny Englander
1 response
terminal, command line, permissions, git
iOS Simulator log in terminal, instead of Xcode
Paweł Ksieniewicz
0 responses
terminal, ios, xcode
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
2 responses
terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
Add the current directory to $PATH
Joel Kirchartz
0 responses
shell, terminal, command line, cli
Kill the Dashboard in OS X Mavericks
Perry Azevedo
3 responses
terminal, os x, tricks, optimization
Practical Guide to Linux's CUT Command
0 responses
terminal, linux, cut
ZSH reverse history search with regex.
Petro Verkhogliad
3 responses
zsh, terminal, commandline
Nice Guake terminal
Tomasz Ślązok
0 responses
zsh, terminal, guake
ZSH prompt: exit status of last command
Florian Störkle
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal
cp with progress bar
Rafał Malinowski
10 responses
shell, terminal, bash
Quick Tip: dsconfigad
0 responses
terminal, mac os x, dsconfigad
Execute bash inside a docker container the right way
Vedanta Barooah
0 responses
terminal, docker, linux, bash
Using Terminal to Open Git Repositories in SourceTree
Franklin Strube
1 response
terminal, osx, git, sourcetree