Popular Terminal Programming Tips
fg programname
william sherif
0 responses
terminal, linux, unix
Reduce hide/show delay on OSX dock (10.7+)
Timm Stokke
0 responses
terminal, osx
Launch screen saver from terminal
Thiago Pontes
0 responses
hack, terminal, protip, afk
Remove apps from macOS Dock.
0 responses
macos, osx, terminal
cd into whatever is the forefront Finder window
Rodolfo Ovalles
0 responses
shell, terminal, mac
Open current directory in Finder from terminal
Mattias Wadman
0 responses
terminal, osx, finder
Configuring secondary display with Gnome3 and Fedora 21/22
Kaustubh Padegaonkar
0 responses
terminal, fedora, gnome3, hidpi
Launch sublime from terminal OS X
Misha Behersky
0 responses
sublime, bash, terminal, osx
Show some simple git branch graph on terminal
Norbert Melzer
0 responses
terminal, git, branching-graph
Copy directory structure without files
0 responses
shell, unix, find, bash
Clear Shell History in Linux
Olivers De Abreu
0 responses
shell, terminal, linux
"tee" directs output to stdout and also to a file
Daniel Reis
0 responses
bash, terminal, log, linux
OS X: Determine which apps are using the internet
Jeff Tilson
0 responses
terminal, osx, bandwidth
Forgot to run a command as root?
Vinicius Souza
0 responses
terminal, sudo, bash
How to get back to previous directory
Enrique Urzúa
0 responses
terminal, unix
Show Hidden Files on a Mac
Darryl Wright
0 responses
shell, eyesno, terminal, osx
Change location of cursor in terminal
0 responses
Git Fatal CR LF Fix
Victor Kristof
2 responses
git, terminal
Execute commands when shell opens up
Serin Paul
0 responses
shell, terminal
enhance your terminal prompt to show current git branch
Michael Indyk
0 responses
git, terminal, bash