Popular Server Programming Tips
Creating "vanity" URLs
Zak Dziczkowski
4 responses
apache, htaccess, server, mod_rewrite
simpleHTTPServer for Node.js
Jonathan Creamer
0 responses
node, js, server, javascript
Converting a certificate chain and key into a Java Keystore for SSL on Puma/Java
0 responses
jruby, puma, ssl, server
Manage chef cookbooks with git submodules
2 responses
ruby, server, chef, opscode
How to stop a Daemon Server in Rails?
Piermaria Cosina
3 responses
daemon, rails, ror, server
Disable iptables Connection Tracking
Richard Fussenegger
0 responses
server, iptables, linux, firewall
Check if is local connection in PHP (by IP comparison)
Ivan Castellanos
0 responses
php, apache, server, localhost
Setting up a PHP environment on Ubuntu
Luis Milanese
4 responses
php, mysql, apache, server
groovy (java) simple http server with basic auth
Vladimir Polyakov
0 responses
groovy, web, http, server
Server sent events
Kevin Robinson
0 responses
push, comet, realtime, server
The Best Way To Optimize Images
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, css, open source
Node.js (forever-monitor) get exit code
Simon Grinberg
0 responses
nodejs, server, forever, forever-monitor
Editing a remote file with vim on your local machine
Rahul Trikha
1 response
vim, server, remote, edit
Web server one-liner
Benjamin Goering
4 responses
python, server, one-liner
Use a better .htaccess
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
php, shell, mobile, open source
Installing Chef Server and Client on Debian
Christian Schramm
0 responses
server, chef, knife, debian
simple git auto-pull
Yuri Tkachenko
1 response
watch, server, pull, git
Iptables - Cheatsheet
0 responses
linux, server, input, iptables
Mobile IM with xmpp and XEP-0198
0 responses
xmpp, server, jabber, chat
Connecting a Domain to a Subdirectory
Alan Hardman
0 responses
web, apache, internet, server
How to Use NFS (Server and Client)
Marcel Bischoff
1 response
howto, linux, server, client
Handle noisy favicon.ico messages in nginx
Oto Brglez
0 responses
config, configuration, http, nginx
Save a HUGE bandwidth cost in WordPress by automatically serving media contents from copy.com
Hasin Hayder
0 responses
php, linux, trick, tips
cap command to install, start, restart , stop elasticsearch in ubuntu server
0 responses
cap, elasticsearch, task, ubuntu
SimpleHTTPServer on Python3
Sebastian Schuth
0 responses
python, server, utility