Popular Ruby Programming Tips
Vim Mappings for a Ruby Style Guide
Dan Croak
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ruby, vim
Install SWIG using Homebrew
Tu Hoang
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Custom navigation commands in Rails.vim
Stephen Caudill
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Your own mini Heroku
Bram Plessers
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Simple private service like bash.org
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Rails' complex association example
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Ruby OpenGL Walk Bounce
Nickolay Schwarz
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Kaminari pagination with Arel
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Use RVM in Restrictive LANs
Steven Haddox
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ruby, jruby, rvm, rbenv
Use travis-ci.org for ruby project in subdirectory
Tim Serong
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Rspec build system for Sublime Text 2 (using rbenv)
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, sublimetext, rbenv
Kickstart a FactoryGirl upgrade from old to new syntax
Damon Davison
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SimpleCov and Cucumber
Tyler Distad
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Natural spelling and grammar checker
Alif Rachmawadi
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Running destructive Ruby code in a sandbox
Sebastian Staudt
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How to create recommendation service with Rails and Apache Mahout
Anatoli Makarevich
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Uncle Bob on Web Architecture
Avner Cohen
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My tricks for i18n in Rails
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PHPStorm Vagrantfile syntax highlight
Chris Buryta
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The need for simple exercises
Thomas Riboulet
1 response
ruby, tests, improve
Poor man's media server or how to transcode and stream your videos on-the-fly from your mac to your ios device
Víctor Martínez
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Capistrano deploy sequence
Andreas Loupasakis
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Convert CSS RGB value to HEX value
Filip Tepper
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ruby, css, capybara
Uninstall local gems one liner
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ruby, rails, gem
How to setup the SeeingIsBelieving Plugin for Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 13.04
Dwayne Crooks
0 responses
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