Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Using Sublime Text 2 for Ruby development
Ricardo Shiota Yasuda
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ruby, development, sublimetext2
0 responses
ruby, rubygems, programming, github
Sorting on multiple fields in tire elasticsearch
Bashir Eghbali
1 response
ruby, rails, elasticsearch, tire
gem environment
0 responses
ruby, gem
Bundlizer: RubyGems and Bundler application manager
Tomohiro TAIRA
1 response
ruby, bundler, shell, rubygems
Ruby pbcopy and pbpaste
Simone Carletti
1 response
shell, clipboard, irb, pbcopy
CouchRest::Model views errors with RSpec
Luca Guidi
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ruby, tdd, nosql, bdd
Trifle: GeoIP-Redis
Cristiano Betta
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ruby, redis, geoip
Completely Removing RVM
Michael Koby
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ruby, rvm
50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
Jason Davis
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ruby, php, python, mysql
Using a before_filter to change the template that a controller action will render
Vitor Balocco
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ruby, mvc, rails, layout
emerge class definitions via assignment method calls using Morph mixin
Rob McKinnon
0 responses
ruby, objects, gem, mixin
Enable HTTPS on Pow
Luca Guidi
0 responses
ruby, pow, https, ssl
Using BubbleWrap.require
James Harton
0 responses
ruby, ios, bubblewrap, rubymotion
Mac OS X Vim installer with Thor and Mercurial
Juan Hernández Babón
0 responses
ruby, osx, vim, gist
require.js for rails projects
sergey kuchmistov
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ruby, rails, amd, javascript
Slim down HTTP responses
Ricardo Mendes
2 responses
ruby, rack, sinatra, gzip
RSpec Best Practices
Michael Koby
0 responses
ruby, rspec
Upgrade to Ruby, Homebrew with Xcode 4.3
Pedro Sousa
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ruby, xcode, homebrew
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit
Víctor Martínez
29 responses
ruby, osx, git
irb hacks
Jason King
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ruby, shell, irb
irb time saver
Tieg Zaharia
4 responses
ruby, shell