Popular Rails Programming Tips
Create Gist from files in command line
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, github, rails, gist
second to fifth methods for ActiveRecord Model
2 responses
rails, activerecord, rashmi14yadav
Quickly get files to refactor
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
ruby, rails, git
Faster browser rendering
Elia Schito
0 responses
rails, browser, images, rendering
How to create a payment gateway for offsite_payments? (active_merchant)
0 responses
ruby, rails, offsite_payments, active_merchant
Fontawesome in Rails Asset Pipeline
Tadas Tamošauskas
0 responses
css, rails, asset pipeline, fontawesome
Efficiency in Development Workflows: Deployment Pipelines and Zero Downtime Deployment
0 responses
heroku, merge, migration, deployment
Redmine in Heroku
Francisco Granados
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ruby, rails, heroku, redmine
Foreign Keys with Rails
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ruby, rails, rubygems
Rails Integration testing with Sorcery and Capybara
0 responses
ruby, rails, testing
Handling Large Javascript Files With Turbolinks
Adam Becker
0 responses
rails, javascript, turbolinks
Routing resources with and without member blocks
Ben Burton
1 response
ruby, rails, routes
Heroku, Rails 3.2.11, Assets.
Damian Le Nouaille
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rails, heroku, assets
Add items to Active Admin menu
0 responses
activeadmin, menu, rails, routes
Polymorphic index? No problems!
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
rails, search, thinking-sphinx
From Rails Controller to Javascript
Sylvester Willis
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ruby, coffeescript, rails, controller
setup global gitignore to ignore temporary files
0 responses
rails, git
Nested Routing w/ a parameterized scope
Tony Schneider
0 responses
ruby, rails, routing, scopes
Disabled input form elements do not get submitted
Justin Smestad
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rails, forms, strong parameters, input tag
Capistrano deploy lock
Lev Lukomsky
1 response
rails, deployment, capistrano
Heroku’s Memcache Bootstrapping and custom pip requirements setups in Django
Mike Robinson
0 responses
heroku, django, pip, python
Run your Rails tests from vim to spin
Maximiliano Dello Russo
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tdd, rails, vim, rspec
如何將 Laravel 專案發佈到 Heroku
0 responses
heroku, laravel