Popular Rails Programming Tips
Custom navigation commands in Rails.vim
Stephen Caudill
1 response
ruby, rails, vim
Torchpad - The most efficient way to manage your knowledge
Pinhsian Lin
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rails, markdown, wiki, torchpad
Using the I18n into Initializers
Josemar Luedke
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rails, i18n, initializers
Rails' complex association example
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ruby, rails, associations
Your own mini Heroku
Bram Plessers
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ruby, python, rails, heroku
Simple private service like bash.org
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ruby, rails, open source, twitter bootstrap
Kaminari pagination with Arel
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ruby, rails, pagination, arel
Kickstart a FactoryGirl upgrade from old to new syntax
Damon Davison
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ruby, perl, rails, factorygirl
Use twitter flight with rails
Adrian Moses
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rails, javascript, require.js, flight
Personal Blog powered by Octopress and Cloudflare
Madhukar Hiranya
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heroku, octopress, blog, cloudflare
"Invalidate" cached key when record/document change
Victor Cortes
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rails, caching, low-level-cache
Backup and download your DB on Heroku
Johnny Rodgers
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heroku, postgresql
How to create recommendation service with Rails and Apache Mahout
Anatoli Makarevich
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ruby, rails, redis, mahout
My tricks for i18n in Rails
2 responses
rails, ruby, i18n
Add shortcuts to your rails application
Nick Kugaevsky
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rails, productivity, javascript
Make a photo upload service under 15 minutes
Arnaud Coomans
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python, heroku, s3, flask
Careful w/ Rails 4.0.0-beta1 + binstubs
eddie cianci
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bundler, rails, conflict, 4.0.0-beta1
Rails - Clear table and reset auto_increment
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rails, mysql, auto_increment
Highly Available Rabbit MQ - Making multi tenant ?
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
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scala, heroku, cloud, paas
Using Wordpress with json_api plugin as a CMS for a Rails App
Thomas Hanley
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rails, cms, faraday
Boolean i18n helper
Martin Trejo
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rails, i18n, boolean
Assigning Charges To Resources With Stripe Checkout
Ben Richardson
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rails, nested resources, stripe, nested routes
Capistrano deploy sequence
Andreas Loupasakis
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Setting log level for specific exceptions
Gus Bonfant
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log, exceptions, logger, rails
Uninstall local gems one liner
0 responses
ruby, rails, gem