Popular Rails Programming Tips
Paperclip with PDFs
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ruby, rails, imagemagick, paperclip
some tips on rails subdomain
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rails, subdomain
Easily keep track of rails' relationship count with counter_cache
Dimitri Jorge
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ruby, rails, activerecord, counter_cache
Prevent unnecessary chained touches in Rails
Nickolay Schwarz
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ruby, rails
Use cane to measure code complexity
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rails, cane, code metrics
Backup and Restoring PostgreSQL on Heroku
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heroku, backup, database, restore
Script to ensure added migration files are not missed from commit
Bashir Eghbali
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rails, git hook, migration, gist
Rails #rewhere ActiveRecord method
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Custom Backoffice for LocomotiveCMS
Robert Wünsch
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rails, assets, locomotivecms
Kill N+1 Queries with Bullet Gem
Jarrett Green
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rails, eager loading
Kill whitespace in your Rails project
Nihad Abbasov
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ruby, rails
Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
Nikita Fedyashev
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ruby, rails, rubygems
clockwork + sidekiq integration
Tymon Tobolski
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ruby, rails, cron, clockwork
Debugging Async Javascript
Jake Kring
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rails, debugging, async javascript, jquery
Remove image upload from activeadmin-wysihtml5
Irio Musskopf
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, activeadmin-wysihtml5
Super Happy Dev Day - Sept 7 - Charleston, SC
Tom Wilson
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clojure, rails, redis, css3
acts-as-taggable-on and friendly_id together
Maciej Kossuda
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ruby, rails
Use Time.zone.now in factories
Norman Clarke
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rails, timecop, factory girl, date math
Server-side events with Segment.io for free
Christopher Garvis
1 response
ruby, rails, analytics, segment.io
"Pow like" development in Ubuntu with Rails
David Paluy
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rails, pow, subdomain, ubuntu
Create data importation process in a background job
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rails, ruby, coffescript, haml
Push your feature branch to heroku
Arun Agrawal
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heroku, git
Connect to MSSQL named instance using JRuby and activerecord-jdbc-adapter
Kevin Rankin
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jruby, jdbc, rails