Popular Rails Programming Tips
Schedule rails jobs in your users timezone
Mike Coutermarsh
1 response
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Access Rails App from Plain Ruby Script
Joe Fiorini
1 response
ruby, rails, shell scripting
Validating associated plain Ruby objects
Ian Whitney
1 response
ruby, activerecord, validation
Using Mariadb as a drop in replacement for MySQL
Timothy Marks
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uniqueness validations in ActiveModel
Jean Mertz
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rails, validations, activemodel
Use build_stubbed instead of build in FactoryGirl
Sean Geoghegan
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Designers Guide for Mountain Lion Upgrade
Dakota J Lightning
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Posting to facebook groups all at once using ruby
Emad Elsaid
4 responses
ruby, rails, facebook
Ruby and Default Arguments
John Amicangelo
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ruby, rails, bug, define_method
html 2 haml online converter
Tom Wilson
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ruby, rails, haml
Why you should start using Haml's ugly mode in development today
Tadas Tamošauskas
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css, rails, haml, html
Handle MongoDB arrays in Rails Forms
Ismail Dhorat
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
Deploying Rails 3 Apps with Git, Capistrano and Unicorn + some task sample
Chungsub Kim
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rails, capistrano, deploy, staging
Rails development server on port 80
Mikael Henriksson
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`after_commit` in ActiveRecord::Observer
Alan Daud
2 responses
ruby, activerecord, rails
heroku drop all tables from database
Dimitrios Mistriotis
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heroku, postgresql, deletion
Rails, ActiveRecord, and PG::NotNullViolation
Ava Jarvis
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mysql, rails, active record, postgresql
Testing rails cancan abilities with rspec
sergey kuchmistov
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rails, rspec, cancan
Self-referencing association in active record and its factories
Павел Калашников
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rails, active_record, factory_girl
Ruby hashes and "try"
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, rails, hash
Get your Rails 3.2 assets to precompile on Heroku
Anthony Smith
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rails, heroku, cedar
Setup dev env in vagrant w/ rvm pg rails nginx unicorn
James Dullaghan
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rails, nginx, unicorn, vagrant
Redirecting old ID routes to new slugs
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
rails, routes, stringex