Newest Rails Programming Tips
Stopping rails from duplicating JSON parameters in a root node
Andrew Hao
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ruby, rails, json, parameters
Create a new Rails app with specified version
Robbie Marcelo
1 response
ruby, rails, gems, versions
Use pry as your default Rails 4 console in one line
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ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
setup global gitignore to ignore temporary files
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rails, git
Vim - Regex to change hash rockets to new hash syntax in Ruby
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails, vim, vi
fields_for tag [Small RoR tip #2]
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ruby, rails, ror
Bower and Rails. Friends forever.
9 responses
rails, bower
Get Pow and Foreman to use the same configuration
Dmitriy Likhten
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rails, pow, foreman
Prevent Phantom/Capybara from requesting images
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rails, cucumber, phantomjs, capybara
Using PostgreSQL's hstore with Rails 4: boolean properties, too!
Scott M
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rails, postgres, hstore
some tips on rails subdomain
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rails, subdomain
Using Code Climate's new test reporter together with Coveralls and SimpleCov's HTML Formatter
Wei-Meng Lee
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ruby, rails, testing, simplecov
Clustering Node.js applications
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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heroku, coffeescript, javascript, paas
Omniauth with multiple providers in a Rails/Mongoid app
José Manuel Escudero
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rails, omniauth, mongodb, authentication
Know your RSpec cli arguments!
Titov Andrey
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ruby, rails, cli, arguments
The Rails Way
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ruby, rails
omniauth multiple user login
Cezar Halmagean
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rails, omniauth, capybara
Open Rails spec files as "RSpec" by default (Sublime Text 2/3)
Thomas Klemm
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rails, plugin, syntax, rspec
Custom Checkbox with Font Awesome (Sass, Rails)
Adi Wibisono
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rails, css3, sass, html5
Rails routing and namespaced models
Miha Rekar
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routing, rails, model, namespace
Rails migration status
Amy Lai
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rails, migrations
Interview: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment at GrabCAD
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ruby, rails, product management, interview
Schedule a specific time Delayed_Job through "delay" method
Ace Dimasuhid
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ruby, rails, delayed_job
Handle MongoDB arrays in Rails Forms
Ismail Dhorat
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid