Newest Rails Programming Tips
Rails Skipping Validations
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rails, validations
How to install Ruby on Rails on Windows
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ruby, rails, install, windows
The PGconn, PGresult, and PGError constants are deprecated on Heroku and Rails
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pg, gem, rails, ruby
TIL: Postgres: Partial Index On Boolean Field Tp
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rails, activerecord, postgresql, boolean
Fork is not a heroku command
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heroku, ruby, ruby on rails, fork
ActiveAdmin custom routes
Denis Savitskiy
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activeadmin, ruby, rails, routes
Rails 5.1 + Whenever gem + AWS Elastic Beanstalk - config file for 2018
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ruby, rails, whenever, elastic beanstalk
RSpec + Carrierwave Controller test example
Luciano Sousa
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ruby, rails, rspec, carrierwave
Restrict IP access in rails
Snir David
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ruby, rails
Create a New Gemset (Shorthand Syntax)
Kerem Bozdas
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ruby, rails, rvm, gemset
Background jobs with Iron and Heroku in 10 minutes
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heroku, iron, background job, python
Sprockets manifest issues (when jumping between Rails 4/5)
Mr Rogers
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sprockets, rails, ruby
Deserializing Complex Data from Redis with Ruby
Dave Gerton
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ruby, redis, rails, memoization
Active Admin - Customize the added menus
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activeadmin, menu, rails, customize
Add items to Active Admin menu
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activeadmin, menu, rails, routes
Rails log
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rails, ruby
drop table by migration
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ruby, rails
Open pending Rails migrations in your text editor (Example)
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rails, migrations
Mass Replace "spec_helper" with "rails_helper" in spec/ folder
Matenia Rossides
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bash, rails, rspec
Create data importation process in a background job
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rails, ruby, coffescript, haml
Create “Upcoming birthdays” query in Rails and PostgreSQL?
David Paluy
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rails, postgresql
Minimal working setup Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin
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rails, activeadmin, ruby, devise
simple_form: Dynamically disabled inputs based on Pundit policy
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rails, authorisation, security, pundit
Rails: Exporting data to spreadsheets
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rails, excel, spreadsheet, xls