Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Opal (the Ruby to Javascript compiler) and Meteor
Massimo Ronca
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ruby, javascript, opal, meteorjs
Conhecendo o Ruby: Documentação
Rogério Zambon
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ruby, conhecendo, documentacao
Use tap to return an object after doing something with it
Daniel Green
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ruby, rails, on
Validate full_name
Amr Tamimi
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ruby, rails, regexp
Hash magic
Timur Valeev
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ruby, hash
Simple iterator with ruby fibers
Matjaz Muhic
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ruby, fibers, couroutines
Test Parse Cloud Code with Ruby
Alan deLevie
0 responses
ruby, testing, parse.com
Running a certain test with tconsole 1.2.8
Jana Petrova
0 responses
ruby, rails, tconsole
[rails] Display objects in groups
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ruby, rails, enumerable
Running iPad terminal from Prompt
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ruby, terminal, ipad, prompt
Faster specs
Posăceanu Marian
0 responses
ruby, rails, rspec
A Simple Delegator Method for iOS Development in Rubymotion
Gavin Morrice
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ruby, ios, delegates, rubymotion
Embracing Capybara
Tim Moore
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ruby, cucumber, testing, selenium
@font-face & asset pipline
Matthew Ling
0 responses
ruby, rails, font-face, sprockets
Using ZEUS to speed up things when developing
0 responses
ruby, rails, development, zeus
Removendo WARNING: Nokogiri Was Built...
Débora Fernandes
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ruby, rails
Ruby hash key sort
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Your Twitter Status Timeline on Linux Terminal
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
ruby, shell, terminal
Installing downloaded gem
Melanie Archer
0 responses
ruby, gem
Useful links to getting started with Rails
Dominik García
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ruby, rails
Enumerable ranges from strings in Ruby
Michael Parks
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ruby, patch, string, range