Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Ruby inject conditionally!
Pradyumna Dandwate
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ruby, inject
Browsing Padrino's Code Base With Ctags in Vim
Matthias Guenther
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ruby, programming, padrino, wikimatze
Wrap your migrations by exceptions tracker.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails
Auto run your rails migrations when switching branches
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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ruby, rails, git
Generate unique_id module
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, mongoid
awesome_print_motion for RubyMotion
Ray Hightower
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ruby, debugging, awesome_print_motion, rubymotion
Mining Twitter data with tuby and mongodb
Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK
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ruby, mongodb, text mining
mysql2 gem on Windows
Gustavo Leon
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ruby, mysql, windows
Semantic Version your Gemfile
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
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ruby, bundler, rails
Stubing class constants with RSpec
Matjaz Muhic
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ruby, rails, rspec
Capybara access new window
Kirill Shaplyko
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ruby, tdd, cucumber, bdd
Update RubyGems on your system
Piermaria Cosina
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ruby, rails, ror, rubygem
Formatting Collections Of Objects With SimpleDelegator
David Elliott
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ruby, links, presenters
Gem para previsão do tempo pelo ClimaTempo
Rogério Zambon
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ruby, gem, climatempo
Upload files and images from your android to your desktop/laptop
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, android, sinatra
DRY your tests
João Veiga
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ruby, rspec
Ruby difference between &&, ||, and, or
Slawek Nikolau
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ruby, operator, boolean, check
Chained expressions
Giovanni Capuano
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ruby, comparison, evaluation, chained expressions
Convert any script to highlighted code image
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, selenium
Running iPad terminal from Prompt
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ruby, terminal, ipad, prompt
Get Rid of That Code Smell – Primitive Obsession
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, patterns, best practices
Kirill Temnov
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ruby, imagemagick
Easy processes enhances using the Cloud
Bruno Ghisi
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ruby, ci, process, cloud
I18n.l for all your localization needs
Alex Gibson
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ruby, rails
How to test Rake tasks in Ruby
0 responses
ruby, rspec, rake, testing rake task