Popular R Uby Programming Tips
NITROUS.IO Box with Cloud9 IDE Editor
Bernhard Millauer
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Generate random ASCII from the shell
Jonathan Castello
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Fix for OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError in Rails 4 with JRuby
Irio Musskopf
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Migrating from WordPress to Middleman, without breaking URLs
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Daemonize puma with launchd on Mac OSX with RVM
Jeroen Jacobs
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Handling sub-processes in Ruby
Paul Springett
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Totally Bogus Doubles for Tests
Ian Whitney
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ruby, rails, minitest, mocking
Ruby for WordPress development
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, development, wordpress
Manage chef cookbooks with git submodules
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ActiveModel::Serializers - JSON API Heaven
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails
Ruby: #wait_while
Jim Myhrberg
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Test Observers with Rails 3.2.6
James Conroy-Finn
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ruby, rspec
Install Ruby + Sinatra on Ubuntu LTS 12.04
Antonio Lettieri
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Fix Rspec+Capybara timeouts
Joe Sawyer
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ruby, rails, rspec, capybara
rails.vim: navigating your Rails project
Sindre Moen
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ruby, rails, vim
Sidekiq on Heroku with Redis To Go Nano
Manuel van Rijn
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ruby, rails, heroku, redis
Convert fonts from the command line
Jon Lunsford
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ruby, shell, cli, commandline
using custom host, server, and port in rackup or foreman
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ruby, rails, sinatra, foreman
Get rid of the Mongoid translation missing errors (Mongoid 4.0 & Rails 4.0)
Pablo Torrecilla
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ruby, rails, mongoid, i18n
Continuous deployment with cloud formation and cfn-hup
Arvind Kunday
1 response
ruby, deploy, aws, amazon
Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition on OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Attila Györffy
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ruby, mac, os x, rbenv
Basic http authentication using rspec and rack-test.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, sinatra, grape
Ruby methods: all? vs any?
Vu Manh Cuong
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ruby, rails, any?, all?
Make your own gem
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ruby, rails, gem, yuzdeyuzmert