Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Later - A lean Redis-backed event scheduling library for Ruby
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, redis, worker, scheduling
Putting chef cookbooks into RubyGems
Tom, Bom
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ruby, chef
Switch 'rails console' to use Pry as REPL
Avner Cohen
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ruby, rails
Command-line AirPlay video client for AppleTV
Tomohiro TAIRA
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ruby, shell, rubygems, osx
Mining Twitter data with tuby and mongodb
Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK
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ruby, mongodb, text mining
SQLServer and FreeTDS on Heroku
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, rails, heroku, buildpack
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ruby, chef, librarian-chef
RS on Rails - A Saga
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, events
RI do read ruby documentation
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, vim
Use `#zip` and `#map` to join 2 arrays
Łukasz Niemier
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ruby, zip, functional programming
Use lambdas with case/when
Hannes Georg
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ruby, awesomeness, higher order, drinking beer
Install mysql2 ruby gem under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion - Ruby + MacPorts
Gergely Tamás Kurucz
1 response
ruby, osx, macports
Concurrency With Ruby : Resouces
Jai-gouk Kim
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ruby, concurrency
Problemas con OS X 10.8, Ruby, PostgreSQL, Rails y OpenSSL
Francisco Granados
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ruby, rails, os x, openssl
Turn an '@' mention into a link to a user profile
Robert J Samson
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ruby, rails, regex
Testing almost any code in browser
Joel Kirchartz
4 responses
jquery, ruby, python, clojure
Transform everthing in an Object with Proc and Lambda
Pedro Lucas Porcellis
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ruby, objects, lambda, proc
RubyMotion Form cheatcode
Abhishek Nalwaya
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ruby, rubymotion
RSpec Rails helper for cleaning ElasticSearch index
Oto Brglez
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ruby, elasticsearch, rspec
Backtrace on demand
Tom Lea
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ruby, rails, debugging, backtrace
Shell Commands in Ruby
Nikhil Lingutla
0 responses
ruby, shell commands