Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Vim: make ",," an abbreviation for "=>"
David Golden
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ruby, perl, vim
Handling sub-processes in Ruby
Paul Springett
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ruby, pid, process, stdout
Ruby development using local gems
Juan C. Muller
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ruby, bundler, gems, development
Formatting Currency via Regular Expression
Ben Simpson
3 responses
ruby, regular expression, formatting, currency
Thin web server
Boris Quiroz
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ruby, rails, thin, web server
Ruby - Generate a random date in range
Carlo Mallone
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ruby, random, date, datetime
Symbolizing the keys of your Hash using "inject"
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
ruby, tip, hash, inject
Use for ruby project in subdirectory
Tim Serong
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ruby, testing, travis
Write code in style
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ruby, rails, ruby-style, robocop
Jazmin Schroeder
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rvm, ruby-version
Sort array of objects by multiple fields in Ruby
Jelle Vandebeeck
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ruby, sorting
Custom glyph fonts with Font Custom and Compass
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ruby, css, sass, compass
Rails TDD: Stub a model class method before require
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ruby, rails
Painlessly Remove All Ruby Gems
Milan Roy
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ruby, rails, ruby gems
Natural spelling and grammar checker
Alif Rachmawadi
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ruby, gem, grammar, wrapper
Decouple model tests from observers
Alexey Kuleshov
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ruby, tdd, rails, rspec
Devise redirect AJAX request when session timed out(timeoutable module)
Mikhail Nikalyukin
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ruby, rails, devise, ajax
Rake task fix for oh-my-zsh
Kiran Gangadharan
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zsh, octopress, rake
Ruby, IRB and readline history
Richard Michael
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ruby, history, irb, readline
Rails console equivalent for Sinatra
Matthew Riddle
3 responses
ruby, console, irb, sinatra
Rails Beginner Cheat Sheet
Tobias Pfeiffer
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ruby, rails, beginner, cheat sheet
Grape routes like Rails rake task
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ruby, api, rake, grape
Remove all gems
Damian Tommasino
3 responses
ruby, rails, linux
Rails: Why are my JS views rendering with my HTML layout wrapped around them?
David Somers
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ruby, rails, haml, templates
Rename Hash keys
Gus Bonfant
0 responses
ruby, hash, iteration