Newest Php Programming Tips
Basecamp API Query
Brendan Murty
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php, api
Date picker
Brendan Murty
0 responses
PHP De-Obfuscator
0 responses
Count pages in PDF
Stephan Groen
0 responses
php, linux, pdf
Simple Website Online Script
Zach Queal
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php, site online check
PHP Site Navigation
Zach Queal
0 responses
php, navagation
HTTP-Header based l10n
Malte Bublitz
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php, l10n, i18n, maltebublitz
Pythonic PHP ?
Craig Slusher
8 responses
php, python
Normalizing strings with preg_replace
Pedro Henrique Candido
0 responses
php, regular expression
To be a PHP Ninja first shuriken should be spent at Magic (methods that is)
Juan Manuel Combetto
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php, magic, ninja, methods
PHP Reflection is your friend
jesse von doom
0 responses
php, documentation, reflection
Use Laravel with SASS (and HTML5 boilerplate)
0 responses
php, laravel, html5
Session control in CodeIgniter (the flexible way)
Franco Bouly
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php, codeigniter
Flashdata with ease in CodeIgniter
Franco Bouly
2 responses
php, codeigniter
Simple layout support in CodeIgniter 2.0
Franco Bouly
0 responses
php, codeigniter
"One line" PHP Array to Object
Leonardo Prado
4 responses
php, type cast, array, object
Drupal 7 Hijack Form Errors
Tobias Deardorff
2 responses
php, drupal7, fapi
a PHP class for the JIRA API
Fay Pickering
0 responses
php, api, jira
Desenvolvimento PHP com Vagrant
Rogerio Prado de Jesus
0 responses
php, vagrant, tdc, tdc2012
h5ai - a modern HTTP web server index
Lars Jung
0 responses
php, httpd, apache, nginx
Don't waste time on XML, json ftw
8 responses
php, js, api, json
Generate smart thumbs with a PHP Library
0 responses
php, php5