Newest Php Programming Tips
WP SyntaxHighlighter Evolved Biferno
Sandro Bilbeisi
0 responses
php, syntaxhighlighter evolved, biferno, javascript
Load Data Infile Permissions Quickfix
Donnie Bachan
0 responses
php, mysql
PHP 5.4.6 and PHP 5.3.16 released!
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
0 responses
php, adrianoguerreiro
Show all errors on PHP
Yohan Totting
0 responses
php, debug, error
SADO - PHP Database Abstraction Layer
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
php, mysql, tables, forms
Dealing with cyrillic comments in your code with iconv
Anton Stroganov
0 responses
php, shell, iconv, cyrillic
Codeigniter Super Global Instance
0 responses
php, codeigniter
Autodiscovery has landed in php-ews
James I. Armes
1 response
php, web services, ews
Lock a specific git revision in composer
Hannes Georg
0 responses
php, composer, git
5 commands to be a better PHP developer
Dimitrios Meggidis
3 responses
php, commit, psr standards, git
Thoughts on being a programmer.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
5 responses
php, rails, .net, programming
PHPDoc and VIM
0 responses
php, vim, phpdoc
(Spanish) Cursos de Programación a Distancia
0 responses
php, python, programming, beginners
RainTPL is a great template engine!
0 responses
php, easy-to-use, oop
Getting weather via your command line
Daniel Pepin
4 responses
php, script, api, weather
Getting weather via the command line
Daniel Pepin
0 responses
php, script, api, weather
Speed up Drupal with realpath cache
Dan Braghis
1 response
php, optimization, drupal
Google Voice API
Sean Burke
0 responses
jquery, php, css3, webkit
geeklist-php 0.1 is released
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
0 responses
php, adrianoguerreiro
Parsing CSV files in PHP (the fast way)
Antonin Januska
0 responses
php, csv, oop
PHPの最新フレームワーク "FuelPHP" の日本語情報を得る方法
0 responses
fuelphp, php
Profiling queries in Zend Framework
Eric Valera Miller
0 responses
php, log, sql, zf
This is not another “PHP Sucks” article
Felipe Ribeiro
0 responses
php, opinion