Popular Objective C Programming Tips
How to save a pdf file with its annotations in Objective-C
Juan Fernández Sagasti
3 responses
cocoa, ios, pdf, cocoa touch
UIView category for rounding just the corners which you want, not all like CALayer cornerRadius.
Vashishtha Jogi
2 responses
uiview, category, objective-c, rounded corner
iOS - get current location information
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
UIRefreshControl in any UIScrollView
Andreas Grauel
2 responses
CI for Open Source iOS Applications, Part 1: Setup
Brian Gesiak
0 responses
xcode, ci, jenkins, objective-c
Automatically generate UITableViewCell reuse identifiers
Michael Morrison
0 responses
ios, objective-c
git on Mountain Lion
Lars Schwegmann
3 responses
mountain, xcode, mac, lion
Use initWithCoder to do custom view controller initialization in iOS
Matthew Dobson
0 responses
ios, apps, interface builder, storyboard
OCR on iPhone using Tesseract and OpenCV
Paolo Tagliani
0 responses
opencv, computer vision, ios, c
Store an Objective-C block as a property
Ryan McGrath
2 responses
ios, mac, iphone, objective-c
How to list all available fonts in XCode by family name
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
xcode, fonts, ios, objective-c
Remove all gesture of a UiView
Jorge Galindo Cruces
0 responses
ios, objective-c
UILabel text glow
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
Async Block in Objective-C
Raúl Raja
0 responses
asynchronous, dispatch_queue_t, blocks, objective-c
Merging Xcode project files...
Eamonn Moloney
0 responses
ios, xcode, ipad, iphone
Circle crop/mask on views
James Tang
3 responses
xcode, objective-c, ios
Use #defined values in Info.plist
Marco Del Tongo
2 responses
ios, xcode, facebook, plist
Working with #HEX colours in xCode
1 response
ios, xcode, colours, colors
Wishing you a multilingual Christmas
Anthony Levings
13 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Log All Messages in Objective-C
Junior B.
0 responses
simulator, debug, mac, iphone
Debugging Xcode Plugins
Delisa Mason
3 responses
shell, cocoa, xcode, osx
MySQL 'timestamp' string to NSDate
Max Kramer
0 responses
mysql, ios, timestamp, nsdate
iOS - Change UIImagePickerController bar buttons color
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c