Popular Java Script Programming Tips
My voluptuous code editing mistress: Sublime Text
Nicholas Jordon
3 responses
javascript, jquery, php, shell
Delay validations in AngularJS. My take.
Matthias Dietrich
1 response
validation, javascript, validator, angularjs
Asynchronous Script Loading
Francisc Romano
0 responses
async, script loading, javascript
bower commands
Steven Iseki
0 responses
nodejs, javascript
Swipe.js - lightweight replacement for iScroll
Cezar “ikari” Pokorski
0 responses
touch, javascript, kinetic scrolling
Writing conditional callbacks in a linear fashion in JS
Richard Lyon
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nodejs, node, javascript, coffeescript
Facebook Javascript SDK with CoffeeScript
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ruby, haml, heroku, nodejs
Split images in tiles with css3 transitions.
Cedric Ruiz
0 responses
css3, images, jquery, javascript
Node.js - Create strong password hashes with this function
Sebastian Schepis
1 response
hash, javascript, nodejs, crypto
A simple self-contained "click to reveal" email antispam
Filippo Valsorda
0 responses
html, javascript
Use window.pageYOffset instead of window.scrollY
Sean Coker
0 responses
javascript, cross-browser
Ionic examples
Steven Iseki
0 responses
mobile, phonegap, javascript, ionic
Extend your Backbone View with some helpful methods
2 responses
javascript, backbone.js
Debugging Knockout Model Bindings
Steve Duitsman
0 responses
knockoutjs, javascript
Use jshint with node.js
Nicolas Briemant
0 responses
nodejs, jshint, javascript
Testing window.location with capybara
Fabrizio Regini
0 responses
cucumber, testing, backbone, javascript
Javascript string endsWith()
Matthew Brown
0 responses
string, underscore, array, javascript
A jQuery plugin to use animate.css with callbacks
Craig Dennis
0 responses
callback, plugin, animate.css, jquery
Easy command line parsing with Node.js
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node, command line, cli, javascript
Calling Google Maps with Javascript and CSS
Max Brockman
0 responses
css, blog, css3, js
Lazy-loading tooltips (twitter bootstrap)
0 responses
twitter bootstrap, javascript
Log Javascript Error in Elmah - AngularJs
1 response
javascript, angularjs, elmah, exceptionhandling
Skipping routes in express
Adam Blackburn
0 responses
nodejs, express, javascript
Simplest requirejs jQuery.noConflict() wrapper
Flurin Egger
0 responses
amd, requirejs, javascript