Popular Js Programming Tips
Always close your comments
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
4 responses
js, jquery, javascript
Stop spam emails from bots (without captcha)
Evgeny Kolyakov
2 responses
jquery, php, js, spam
Adding remote IP in javascript with nginx
Cícero Verneck Corrêa
0 responses
js, nginx, remote attr
Windows Media Player Events FrameWork
Mahendra Rathod
0 responses
ie, js, ie6, screensaver
Javascript detect mobile platform
1 response
js, detect mobile
Getter Setter LocalStorage HTML5
Fendy Kusuma Wardhana
0 responses
html5, js, localstorage
Setup Boxen to use PhantomJS
Simon Bailey
0 responses
js, phantomjs, boxen, phantomenv
Facebook Stories Style Navigation
Richard Bray
0 responses
menu, facebook, js, javascript
Freedcamp.com - parse tasks to export to excel with Chrome console
0 responses
js, lifehack, freedcamp
Load tweet from user and make links, hashtags, usernames active links
Kasper Mikiewicz
0 responses
twitter, js, load, jquery
On javascript deep-linking (note)
Kier Borromeo
0 responses
js, array, object, javascript
Nice Wysiwyg Editor
1 response
wysiwyg, editor, js, tinymce alternatives
UIkit - A lightweight and modular front-end framework for the web
0 responses
css, js, frontend, framework
Weave your functions
0 responses
node, js, javascript, monad
Validate Email Form with Jquery
Harry Gogonis
0 responses
javascript, jquery, css, html
bootstrap switch
Mattia Larentis
0 responses
jquery, css, html, js
Protip to Dumbtip: avoid over-engineering
Xavier Cambar
2 responses
javascript, js, worst practice
Drop the first . in raw.github.com to browse static HTML/CSS/JS files
Steve Jansen
1 response
css, js, html, github
Prevent page from going anywhere
Ricardo Magalhães
0 responses
debug, js, url, redirect
Geeky reading list #2
Robert Pataki
0 responses
css, js, html, posts
Find when an object is modified in JavaScript
Laurent Perrin
0 responses
debugger, js, object, javascript
Greasemonkey: remove 9gag 3 minute overlay
Pedro Oliveira
0 responses
js, greasemonkey, 9gag
Breakpoints in JS
Raúl Barroso
3 responses
debug, js, breakpoint
Use Broccoli to Compile Emblem Templates for Ember
Jake Trent
0 responses
js, ember, emblem, broccoli
CSS transition and animation callback in JS
Stevo Perisic
0 responses
css, callback, js, animations