Popular Java Programming Tips
Use Hibernate 4.3.x with JTA on Glassfish 4
Brian Jesse
4 responses
hibernate, glassfish, jpa, java
How to draw heart shaped ImageView in Android using PorterDuffXfermode and SVG
Mostafa Gazar
4 responses
library, imageview, java, circle
Android Async Task with Dialog
0 responses
java, android, async task
Cordova-StartApp: launch external app from Cordova app
Dmitry Medvinsky
3 responses
ios, cordova, phonegap, java
PHP Collections
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
0 responses
php, collections, java, .net
Google Now ListView Style
15 responses
google, mobile, ui design, development
Easy Profiling Java from command line
Frederik Mogensen
1 response
profiling, java, hprof, hat
JAXB - Data Binding Exception
Ivan Sim
0 responses
ivanhcsim, java, jaxb
Escape the pipe!
Segun Famisa
0 responses
string, split, java, pipe
Scale your sprites properly in LibGDX
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
game, game development, java, libgdx
Set default JDK on Mac OS X
1 response
mac os x, jdk, java
Load ppt file on my Android app
Waheed Abbas
0 responses
java, android studio, android
Capture HTTPS traffic from Java applications with Fiddler
Dharampal H S
0 responses
fiddler, https, ssl, java
Bash script to switch java version
Alex Heusingfeld
3 responses
jvm, jdk, java, bash
A nice way to maintain server session id on Android.
Lior Zimmerman
0 responses
android, java, nodejs
Java 8 Stream API vs for-each loop
Deepu Mohan Puthrote
0 responses
java, java8, deepumohanp
Implement WebSocket in a Java Servlet
Davide Cek
0 responses
websocket, tomcat, java, servlet
Remote Debugging a Java Application
0 responses
debugging, debugger, java, remote debugging
ansible install java 8
Paul Felby
2 responses
linux, java, ansible
Dashboard layout in Android
Sebastiano Poggi
5 responses
dashboard, layout, style, ux
ViewPager children into single layout XML
Juan Jose Alonso
1 response
layout, xml, java, jjosealonso
Run Application in Debug from Gradle
Johnny Wey
0 responses
groovy, gradle, jar, netty
Resource Extraction from Jar to Local File System
Dennis Skinner
0 responses
jar, java, resource, extract
Facebook Login Button & Android
0 responses
eclipse, java, facebook sdk, android