Newest Ios Programming Tips
A Category on NSURL to return the NSURL of a file in a standard directory.
Abizer Nasir
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cocoa, objective-c
Xcode breakpoints can be shared
Sergei Cherepanov
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xcode, objective-c
Always set Exception Breakpoint
Sergei Cherepanov
1 response
xcode, useful habits, objective-c
Always mark your temporary debug changes
Sergei Cherepanov
0 responses
xcode, debug, useful habits
Helpful Macros For Xcode Projects
Abizer Nasir
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cocoa, xcode, objective-c
An ARC Compatible Method To Return a UUID
Abizer Nasir
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cocoa, objective-c
iActiveRecord - ObjectiveC wrapper on sqlite3
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ios, active record, sqlite, objective c
iOS Simulator: Change 'hardware' using command line
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ios, simulator, configuration
Automated acceptance testing on iOS
Saager Mhatre
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slideshare, automation, testing, uiautomation