Newest Ios Programming Tips
Best site for UI Components on iOS
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cocoa, ios, ipad, iphone
Best tutorial site for Objective-C courses
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xcode, objective-c, ios
NSString objects are always constants!
Sam Green
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cocoa, ios, xcode, mac
iOS Version Numbers with git
Sascha Hoellger
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xcode, ios
How to Install Xcode, Homebrew, Git, RVM, & Ruby 1.9.3 on Snow Leopard & Lion
Vitor Balocco
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ruby, xcode, mac, os x
Use bwoken!
Bradley Grzesiak
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Xcode code completion is confused
Sam Green
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xcode, ipad, iphone, ios
Xcode - Break on Exception
Tiago Reis
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objective-c, ios, xcode, exception
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ios, android, ipad, iphone
CocoaPods, bundler for Objective-C
Sascha Hoellger
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Remove all breakpoints in xcode
Tiago Reis
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xcode, breakpoint, objective-c, ios
Make :hover & :active work in mobile webkit
Mark Ford
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css, mobile, ipad, iphone
Core Data - fetch a single entity
Paul Ledger
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objective c, ipad, iphone, core data
Own Images in iOS Simulator
Paul Ledger
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ios, objective c, ipad, iphone
AirPrint without WiFi Access Point
Paul Ledger
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ios, airprint
gluProject and gluUnproject in Objective C
Paul Ledger
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opengl, ios, objective-c
Moving to the next UITextField in an iOS App
Paul Ledger
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ios, ipad, iphone, objective-c
Smart App Banner support for Drupal in iOS 6
Chris Charlton
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ios, drupal, ipad, iphone
Email and url inputtypes in HTML5
Paul Bremer
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html5, iphone, input, type
Check if APNS are enabled in your App
1 response
ios, xcode, iphone, apns
Hiding the iOS Keyboard
Juan Sanchez
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keyboard, ipad, iphone, hide
Simulate different Connection speeds
Luis Nell
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xcode, osx, webdevelopment, network
Gabriel Webb
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json, beginner, ios, objective-c
Using BubbleWrap.require
James Harton
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ruby, ios, bubblewrap, rubymotion
UIWebview Debugging
Andreas Grauel
1 response
css, html, javascript, objective-c