Newest Ios Programming Tips
Calendar Events and Permissions in iOS 6
Yari D'areglia
0 responses
objective-c, ios
SquareQuote — cool open source iOS app!
Philip Vasilchenko
0 responses
open source, iphone, squarequote, objective-c
Use iDraw for SVG editing on the cheap
Jamie Ly
0 responses
ios, vector, editor, svg
Generating offline maps for use on iOS
Jamie Ly
0 responses
ios, maps, offline, osm
RubyMotion & Interface Builder
Ray Hightower
0 responses
ruby, xcode, interface builder, objective-c
resign .ipa with new CFBundleIdentifier and certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
7 responses
ios, xcode, mac, ipad
Adding a filter to an image in Xcode: CIImage and CIFilter in iOS
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, ios6, ios5, cifilter
Fetched Properties
Brian Michel
0 responses
osx, coredata, fetched properties, objective-c
0 responses
smartphoneweb, iphone, android
iOS CSS3 Elements for mockups
Mariz Melo
0 responses
html, ios, css3, ipad
How to make gentle shaking gesture
Alex Hajdu
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, cocoa touch
Purge Cache and Memory
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, mac
Use TTTAttributedLabel for "gangnam styled" labels
Wouter Martens
0 responses
xcode, ios, objective-c
Objective C literals and Xcode auto-indentation
Zoreslav Khimich
0 responses
xcode, objective-c
How to auto-increment build numbers in Xcode
Milan Cermak
0 responses
ios, xcode
iOS looped page scrolling
Jim Riordan
0 responses
ios, uiscrollview, scrolling, looped
Promo your app using App Banners
Alex Hajdu
0 responses
apps, ipad, iphone, app store
Container View Controllers, Parent View Controllers and Child View Controllers in Xcode (iOS 5 onwards)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, ios 6, ios 5, container
curl python JSON RESTful API
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, osx, linux, ipad
Customize the Back Button of UINavigationItem in the Navigation Bar
Daniel Brajkovic
6 responses
xcode, ios, objective-c
Develop PhoneGap apps in your browser
Martin Naumann
0 responses
apps, development, ide, cordova
Advanced Localization for iOS
Maarten Jansen
0 responses
ios, localization, objective-c
Manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects with CocoaPods
Wouter Martens
0 responses
ios, xcode, osx, cocos2d
Creating GPX file that can be used in the Xcode
Basuke Suzuki
0 responses
xcode, location, ios, gpx
Custom image overlays within iOS
Thomas Gray
2 responses
phonegap, ios, camera, camera overlay