Newest Ios Programming Tips
Request read and publish permissions simultaneously using iOS Facebook support
Marcin Krzyzanowski
0 responses
facebook, ios, krzyzanowskim
reading the ios provision name from ipa
0 responses
provisioning, ipa, mobileprovision, ios
Use `setValue:forKey:` instead of `setObject:forKey` if value can be nil
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Use different tabs in Xcode for different tasks
0 responses
xcode, tabs
Rubymotion set iOS version and Retina
Faizaan Shamsi
0 responses
ruby, ios, rubymotion
NSMutableArray, indexOfObject:, NSNull and NSNotFound (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
0 responses
xcode, nsmutablearray, indexofobject, nsnull and nsnotfound
Max Howell
0 responses
iOS - Crop an Image
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
iOS - Change Line Height of UITextView
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
4 responses
cocoa, ios, open source, apple
The Perfect Brew
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
open source, linux, mac, coffee
Quick Formatting of Credit Card Numbers
Paris Xavier Pinkney
0 responses
objective-c, cocoa, ios, xcode
symbolicating an ios crash report
Alex Rothenberg
0 responses
debugging, symbolicate, ios
XCTest on Xcode 5
Matthew Teece
0 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c, xctest
Anonymise Google Analytics on iOS
Oliver Tupman
0 responses
security, privacy, google analytics, anonymisation
Game Center with PhoneGap in 4 Steps
Lee Crossley
0 responses
cordova, phonegap, ios, javascript
Workaround for too-heavy italic weight of Helvetica Neue on iOS
Nick Heer
0 responses
css, ios, helvetica
Compiling for iOS outside of Xcode with xcrun
Gregory Pakosz
0 responses
xcode, makefile, xcrun
Xcode 5 CL tools
Christian Albrecht
0 responses
xcode, command line
Debug Php calls sent from my iOS app (AFNetworking 2.0)
0 responses
php, xdebug, phpstorm, appcode
UIScrollView vs. UIWindow: Eternal iOS keyboard issue.
Paris Xavier Pinkney
3 responses
cocoa, xcode, ios, uiscrollview