Popular Heroku Programming Tips
Get correct remote_addr on Heroku with Flask
Corey Downing
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python, heroku, flask, remote_addr
Heroku + Rails build error: Specified 'postgresql' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded.
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heroku, ruby, rails, postgres
Separating Procfile for development and production env
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heroku, development, production, foreman
Sidekiq on Heroku with Redis To Go Nano
Manuel van Rijn
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ruby, rails, heroku, redis
Facebook Javascript SDK with CoffeeScript
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ruby, haml, heroku, nodejs
Use Heroku on C9
Stuart P. Bentley
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heroku, cloud9
Heroku rails upload error: ExecJS::RuntimeError: SyntaxError: Unexpected token punc «}»
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ruby on rails, heroku
SQLServer and FreeTDS on Heroku
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, rails, heroku, buildpack
Background jobs with Iron and Heroku in 10 minutes
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heroku, iron, background job, python
Enable PHP extensions on Heroku via Composer
Mateusz Książek
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php, heroku, extensions, symfony
Symfony2 on heroku
Francesco Tassi
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php, heroku, symfony, cloud
Restrict access to your Rails staging environment
Justin Workman
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rails, heroku
Restart Heroku after a migration
brian wisti
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rails, heroku
Continuous Integration and Deployment with Cucumber
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heroku, cucumber, ci, continuous delivery
Switching SSH keys between Heroku accounts
Dharampal H S
4 responses
rails, heroku, ssh, git
Sync Local and Production MongoDB Data
Sheharyar Naseer
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ruby, shell, heroku, unix
Lower the Default ActiveRecord Connection Pool for Heroku Postgres
Dan Croak
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ruby, heroku, postgres
Multiple Heroku accounts
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rails, heroku, productivity
Mongoid Configuration for MongoHQ Replica Sets
Kevin Thompson
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rails, heroku, mongodb, mongoid
Set default Heroku App
Abhishek Srivastava
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Heroku pip problem
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python, heroku, flask, git
Show the latest commit on your Heroku app
John Amicangelo
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heroku, grep, git
Heroku is nice. Be nice back.
Skuli Oskarsson
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heroku, cool beans, skulioskarssson
Fix UTF8 "problem" on Heroku w/ jRuby
Oto Brglez
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ruby, jruby, heroku
Django static files... catching the unicorn
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heroku, django, s3, amazon