Popular Http Programming Tips
HTTP Statuses Codes, now for JS
Gonçalo Morais
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code, http, json, javascript
Watch HTTP requests on any port with tcpflow
Scott Grogan
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http, network, tcp, bash
Debug RESTful clients with echo.httpkit.com
Stanislaw Pusep
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debug, http, rest
Handle noisy favicon.ico messages in nginx
Oto Brglez
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config, configuration, http, nginx
Mock your HTTP responses to test your REST API
Jellali Tarek
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http, rest, json, web services
Build a node.js spider to test and timing (and prove async benefits)
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nodejs, http, spider
get request with promise in nodejs
Bruce Lim
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nodejs, javascript, request, promise
Quickest way to get your external ip: curl http://httpbin.org/ip
Bruce Wang
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http, curl, ip, httpbin
Remember, HTTPClients aren't just for APIs!
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web, automation, http, parsing
Groovy tricks for easy API calls
Ben Doerr
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groovy, script, http, api
A real server to mock servers!
Roger Leite
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ruby, http, server, tests
Httpie for poor people
Igor Guerrero
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python, http, curl, httpie
Serve a local directory with WEBrick
Eric Holmes
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ruby, http
Dennis Hotson
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http, rest, curl
Creating a HTTP Server with ruby in 7 LOC
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, http, server
The unintentional AJAX status code 204
Alexander Brevig
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http, status, asynchronous, header
HTTP Server Built Into JDK 6
Brandon Harper
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http, server, java 6, jdk
simple http server for HTML5/JS dev
Andreas Böhrnsen
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css, http, server, html5
begin/rescue/retry tool
Endel Dreyer
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ruby, http, retry
Define your express routes as properties
James Womack
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coffeescript, nodejs, http, express.js
If you're ever in the need to find the right Ruby HTTP client
Björn Rochel
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ruby, http, client
Easily Serve a Directory via HTTP (with concurrency support)
Arif Widi Nugroho
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python, http, twisted
Anchor for Windows - Open Source
Sam-Mauris Yong
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open source, http, apache, wpf