Popular Haml Programming Tips
Fix unwanted indentation in Haml
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, haml, indentation, preserve
Brevidy, the open source video social network
Rob Phillips
1 response
jquery, ruby, haml, web
You can use variables in HTML emails now
Mike Hall
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rails, haml, email
Stop writing Wordpress themes like its 1998
Ryan Berry
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coffeescript, rails, haml, sql
Midddleman Can't Nest Layouts with mixed file types.
Justin Hill
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ruby, haml, erb, middleman
DRY with *haml_coffee_assets* and partials
Alexander Kirillov
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coffeescript, haml, tip, partial
how to convert HTML and ERB files to HAML
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haml, html2haml, erb2haml
Spot HAML + Coffeescript Indentation Errors in Sublime
Steven J. Dale
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coffeescript, haml, sublime, syntax
Offside rule? Why (not)?
Łukasz Niemier
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coffeescript, slim, javascript, haml
Beveled Lists With CSS3 :not(:nth-of-type)
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css, haml, sass, scss
Sitebuilding generator for yeoman
Bálint Gáspár
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haml, compass, grunt, yeoman
Search/Replace HAML partials with ERB partials
Nate Steiner
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haml, regex, sublimetext, erb
Handling arguments in bash alias
Ezekiel Kigbo
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haml, alias, arguments, html
Coby Randquist
1 response
rails, haml, html
Vim Zen-coding expansion for slim and haml templating languages
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haml, vim, slim, zen-coding
Converting HTML to Haml
Tim Segraves
0 responses
haml, convert, html
HAML as variable
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ruby, rails, haml