Popular Git Hub Programming Tips
Split it up some more!
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How GitHub uses GitHub
Cameron Verhelst
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git, github
save typescripts as Github gists
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bash, github, gist
Never include GitHub access tokens in your Gemfile again
Mario Uher
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ruby, rails, secure, github
New badge: Git
Martín Alejandro Mednik
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git, github
Updating the HTML of your GitHub Pages site with very little effort
Ryan Parman
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git, github, pages, jekyll
Gogs, an alternative to Gitlab
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github, golang, gitlab, gogs
Searching for github for Pull Request Assigned to You
Aquil Abdullah
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pull, request, github
Git - Creating Github Repo from CLI
Noval Agung Prayogo
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github, git
Clean print github pages
Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK
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Scriptlet to toggle GitHub Pull Request comments
Said A
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github, git, scriptlet
How to Start Project with Empty Commit
Kerem Bozdas
1 response
git, github, commit
travis screencast
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Github: Open a file on github.com from command-line
Ashish Bhatia
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github, command-line
Create a Github repository right from the command-line
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github, git, productivity
Downloading your favourite repos from Github(Python)
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github, python, git
Tips and tricks publishing your jQuery / javascript plugins in Github
Joan Claret
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jquery, tips, tricks, plugins
The Benefits of Working with Git
Nicola Pietroluongo
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software, development, git, versioning
Deleting files in Git/Github
José Carlos Méndez
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github, git
A tool which can analysis that who star your github repository, where are they and show the top 5 followers
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Project Configuration - Ignored
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git, github
My first python app made me a trending developer
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python, command line, github, trending
Purge all remote git tags
Bjørge Næss
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git, tag, github