Newest Git Programming Tips
Markdown preview (github flavor) for node.js
Mariz Melo
0 responses
markdown, git
GitHub (Un)Follow Bookmarklet
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
jquery, bookmarklet, follow, unfollow
Application deploy on git push
James Brooks
0 responses
ruby, rails, push, capistrano
Automatic Release notes plugin using GitHub milestones
Cedric Dugas
0 responses
javascript, github
Split it up some more!
0 responses
repository, massive, github
Use multiple deployment SSH keys with GitHub
Michał Szajbe
2 responses
ssh, capistrano, deployment, git
For cleaner merges, use a strategy
Suneel Chakravorty
4 responses
version control, git, merge conflicts
Connecting Jenkins on Windows to Git
Krzysztof Ciesielski
0 responses
jenkins, git, hudson
Jon Henderson
1 response
cli, git
Get/Send SSH-Keys the Github way
Hannes Georg
4 responses
ssh, github
Automatically push git and hg commits with Atlassians SourceTree
0 responses
hg, git, sourcetree
Restoring deleted file from Git repo
Łukasz Sągol
0 responses
scm, zgryw, repo, repository
Git diff
1 response
git, diff
Git or Mercurial
Dimitris Tsironis
0 responses
git, mercurial