Popular Git Programming Tips
How to create branch from tag- Git
Abhijeet Sutar
0 responses
tagging, branching, git
Git is cheap !
Thomas Riboulet
6 responses
Keep TODOs in git
Mislav Marohnić
6 responses
shell, cli, todo, git
Use .gitattributes to normalize line-endings
Scott Grogan
4 responses
git, teamwork
Create a new Gitlab repo from the command line
Nate West
4 responses
scripts, git, gitlab
Git Bash - Fixing it with alias and Functions
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
5 responses
alias, functions, git, git bash
Git - remove local branches not on remote
Nicola Pietroluongo
4 responses
branch, remote, local, remove
git rebase --autosquash
Ben Simpson
4 responses
rebase, squash, git, commits
Store your private data inside a git repository
0 responses
bash, zsh, git
Use magit-ediff to resolve merge conflicts
Leonardo Etcheverry
3 responses
emacs, magit, git
Excluding files from git locally
Jorge Dias
6 responses
gitignore, git
"Merge remote-tracking branch..." What is this? I don't even.
Steffan Harries
1 response
code, control, vcs, clarity
Automatic git version tagging for NPM modules
James Warwood
4 responses
tag, npm, version, tagging
Fork and patch npm moduels hosted on GitHub
Ivan Erceg
1 response
npm, module, package.json, fork
Git 簡易使用教學
0 responses
git, github
Retrieve single file from old commit on GIT
Willy Barro
0 responses
git, reset, checkout, revert
Create your work report using Git Log
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
17 responses
git, activity report
Private Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
5 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone