Popular Front End Programming Tips
Retain input field special chars in Javascript Ajax post
Jeffrey Pearce
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jquery, ajax, javascript, special chars
How to determine if a scrollable element has been scrolled to the bottom
Joaquin Senosiain
2 responses
javascript, jquery, scrolling
Evented NIO with Play
Samuel Heaney
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scala, playframework, asynchronous, javascript
PineSteps Multiple Validation With ValidationEngine
Azri Jamil
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jquery, validation, bootstrap, steps
Browser Storage is a snap in modern browsers
Kyle Hodgson
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html5, javascript
the smartest js code snippet (from zepto)
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javascript, queryselector, zepto
jQuery like selector with querySelector
Boopathi Rajaa
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selector, queryselector, javascript
Client Side MVC and Search Engines...
Ben Kitzelman
0 responses
ember.js, google, client side mvc, search engines
Websocket with Ajax Polling support
Ivan Bajalović
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websockets, ajax, javascript
Validando checkbox
Yesi D
0 responses
Generate a sorted list of unique domains used to load assets on a web page
Jason Ormand
2 responses
chrome, underscore, javascript, lodash
A Few New Things Coming To JavaScript
Ernesto del Rosario
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ecmascript, javascript, ecmascript 6, addy osmani
NVD3 charts
Deden Fathurahman
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graph, javascript, chart, chartgasm
Levenshtein JS
Tom Roggero
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Nested Form: Adding fields with pre-defined values
Jim Smith
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jquery, ruby, rails, javascript
css-scratch page using jQuery bind()
0 responses
css, html, jquery
Erol Fornoles
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redis, javascript, v8
A good argument against blindly using ready-made HTML boilerplate templates
Stephan Sokolow
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css, html, javascript
Lazy loading JavaScript files with Rocket
Charlie Hadden
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lazy load, rocket, javascript
JD Isaacks
0 responses
jquery, coffeescript
Iterative and reduction array methods
0 responses
javascript, underscore, functional programming
node-static is faster than python simple http server
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python, node, javascript
Exceeding Maximum Open Files On OSX With Karma
Dallas Slieker
0 responses
nodejs, osx, testing, javascript
Jack Crish Jr
0 responses
libraries, canvas, html5, javascript