Popular Front End Programming Tips
Mobile Navigation Icon
0 responses
html, css, jquery, mobile
javascript basic programming - the closures
Juan Jesús García López
0 responses
javascript, oop, closure
Hide select box picker on orientation change
Grigory Avdyushin
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ios, html5, js
JavaScript shorthands
Long Ho
0 responses
javascript, shorthand
String to Slug Snippet
André Lucas
0 responses
javascript, snippet
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in YUI3
Djalma Araújo
0 responses
javascript, yui3, aop
Quick Async Script Loading
Kurtis Kemple
0 responses
async, loading, javascript
Javascript Goodness
Christopher "Cricket" Wallace
0 responses
javascript, patterns, object-oriented design
A snippet for initializing debug on sublime text
Nadeesha Cabral
0 responses
debug, sublime-text, editors, javascript
Generalizing Endpoints
Xavier Via
1 response
javascript, oop, events, architecture
Convert a namespaced string, value pair to an JavaScript object
0 responses
code, javascript
Generating random ID in JavaScript
Ming Liu
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Brackets - Live Editor
Cameron Verhelst
2 responses
css, html, editor, js
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Building React classNames with CoffeeScript
RJ Zaworski
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coffeescript, react, classname
cdnjs - the missing cdn
Christian Sturm
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Midnight of the current day timestamp
Carlos Bacelar
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Stop someone from highjacking your work with an iFrame
Earl Swigert
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javascript, security, iframe, referrer
DOM Navigation without jQuery
Alex Sears
0 responses
javascript, jquery
Scroll to an specific element inside any element
Kazem Keshavarz
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javascript, jquery
brief explanation of __proto__ using an example and a pollyfill for MSIE 9 & 10
christos constandinou
0 responses
javascript, inheritance
quick phonegap page bounce / page scrolling hack
0 responses
mobile, phonegap, javascript
If you got to fix teh codez
Dmytro Yashkir
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== null
Yusuke Suzuki
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javascript, ecmascript
xmlHttpRequest keeping backward compatibility
Luca Simonetti
0 responses
javascript, xmlhttprequest