Newest Front End Programming Tips
Ensure IE drag and drop
Pierre Larochelle
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ie, javascript
Problem verifying if a user is authenticated in AngularJS
Mandingo Brown
3 responses
authentication, javascript, angular, angularjs
Strange results of parseInt explained
Tomasz Noworyta
0 responses
Math.random range is [0,1)? Not really!
Harsha B N
0 responses
javascript, randomness, math.random
It's not only console.log
Harsha B N
2 responses
console, firebug, javascript, chrome dev tools
Introduction of SAO.js
Katsuya Hidaka
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Kudos Widget
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, html, widget, javascript
Easily Make Elements Draggable (IE8+, Multi-touch)
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
design, devops, javascript, webdesignpop
Using .apply with Strings in JavaScript
Corey Grunewald
3 responses
javascript, boxing, strict
Use this for variables that you need to represent a toggle state
Bogdan Cernat
5 responses
toggle, javascript
Facebook Javascript SDK with CoffeeScript
0 responses
ruby, haml, heroku, nodejs
Full stack web framework for node.js designed after Ruby On Rails
0 responses
javascript, nodejs
Use autocomplete input on Play! views
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
jquery, play framework, java, javascript
DRY Ajax forms
Kasper Mikiewicz
0 responses
html, js, forms, jquery
Integration tests for keyboard accelerators
Dave Gerton
0 responses
rails, javascript, rspec
$.rememberState - Remember and restore form state using localStorage
Shane Riley
0 responses
localstorage, jquery, javascript
JSF Save Scroll Position When Ajaxily Add/Deleting Rows From Datatable
Tom Caflisch
0 responses
jquery, scroll, java, javascript
Calculate text dimensions of DOM element
4 responses
jquery, javascript, width, dimensions
jQuery class toggler
Franco Bouly
0 responses
coffeescript, snippet, helper, jquery
underscorejs - use defer instead of setTimeout
Emmanuel Bourgerie
2 responses
defer, js, underscore, settimeout
Patch String.prototype.trim() to work in all browsers.
Phil Freo
2 responses
strings, javascript, trim
Calculate width of text from a DOM element or string.
Phil Freo
12 responses
javascript, width, jquery