Popular Devops Programming Tips
Set up your own Rails server in minutes with these recipes
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, unicorn
Failed connect to localhost:5984; Connection refused
2 responses
osx, couchdb, boot2docker, connection refused
Template an Ansible playbook w/o interpreting variables
Sarah Zelechoski
2 responses
jinja2, ansible
Use NFS to speed up your Homestead VM
Steve Oldham
5 responses
mac, laravel, apache, nginx
Enable IPv6 packet forwarding when using Docker
Tobias Gesellchen
3 responses
port, ubuntu, ipv6, forwarding
How to setup a Digital Ocean Droplet with Ansible
Joeri Timmermans
2 responses
server, setup, do, ansible
SSH agent forwarding with Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
2 responses
ssh, virtualbox, vagrant, forwarding
Beautifully Short Dockerfiles
Nicholas Shook
0 responses
ruby, redis, go, docker
Windows boot2docker - pimp your terminal console with ConEmu
Martin W. Kirst
5 responses
terminal, open source, windows, boot2docker
Docker 0.7 on Debian Wheezy without custom kernel
Martin Naumann
6 responses
debian, martin-n, docker
Enable apache writable files with Vagrant
Stephan Steynfaardt
3 responses
apache, vagrant
Vagrant tweaks to make it more like your local command line app
Laura Davis-Robeson
2 responses
terminal, vagrant, iterm, bash
executable playbooks
Brian Coca
3 responses
shell, ansible
Multi stage environments for your Rails apps with Ansible
Verónica Rebagliatte
0 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Generate a self-signed X509 certificate with ruby
Lex S
1 response
ruby, devops
Creating a Vagrant base box from an existing Vmdk
Luke Chadwick
0 responses
virtualbox, vagrant, devops, virtualization
Setup NFS client-server using ansible
0 responses
ansible, devops
Setting Up Vagrant
Josh Teng
2 responses
Vagrant machine for NodeJS and MongoDB
Luiz Fernando de Souza Filho
0 responses
vagrant, javascript, nodejs