Popular Dev Ops Programming Tips
Vagrant: More memory for the VM
Ezequiel Kupelian
0 responses
memory, virtual machine, vagrant
Server Deployments on Ubuntu with Docker and Supervisor
Jesse Panganiban
2 responses
devops, supervisor, ubuntu, docker
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Docker installation: no such file or directory
1 response
error, docker.io, ubtuntu, 14.04
Setting up a new Mac OSX Lion for Development
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
4 responses
ruby, nodejs, macosx, vagrant
Combining Vagrant and Docker for building dev environments
Fabio Rehm
6 responses
vagrant, docker
Deploy WordPress using Docker and Dokku
Massimo Ronca
1 response
dokku, wordpress, wordpress deploy, docker
Install Docker in CentOS 6.4
Jeff Li
0 responses
centos, docker
Setup dev env in vagrant w/ rvm pg rails nginx unicorn
James Dullaghan
0 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, vagrant
Use macOS keychain for Ansible vault passwords
Koen Punt
0 responses
ansible, macos, keychain, password
Could not understand source - puppet error
Peter Souter
5 responses
puppet, erb, devops
Docker + Fig + Rails on OS X
1 response
rails, osx, docker
How to Add Space to Your Existing Mongodb Instance
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
0 responses
mongodb, ec2, ubuntu, memory space
Instalation Mean stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.JS) on Vagrant
Reinaldo Aguilera
2 responses
node, express, mongodb, vagrant
Vagrant logging when provisioning and vagrant aliases
David Lonjon
1 response
alias, vagrant
Making Laravel storage directories play nicely with Vagrant
Nick Jackson
3 responses
laravel, vagrant
Vagrant failing when try to mount NFS folders
Ricardo Bin
3 responses
ssh, vagrant, nfs
Send logwatch emails through msmtp
Luis Uribe
0 responses
sysadmin, logwatch, msmtp
Configuring Vagrant & Chef cookbooks, the right-way
Luiz Fonseca
0 responses
ruby, rails, unix, vagrant
Virtual develop environment with xhyve
Huy Tran
0 responses
virtual machine, vagrant, devops, docker
Bootstrap old CentOS/RedHat VMs for use with Ansible
Sarah Zelechoski
0 responses
bootstrap, centos, redhat, ansible
Enabling debug for Vagrant
Kostya Golikov
0 responses
debug, vagrant
build vagrant box using veewee
Deden Fathurahman
0 responses
virtualbox, vagrant, vm, provisioning
Testing Rails app with drone
0 responses
ruby, rails, ubuntu, continuous integration
Setting up a development environment for JHipster application using Vagrant, Docker and Jenkins CI
0 responses
shell, vagrant, jenkins, devops