Popular D Jango Programming Tips
Sanitize admin user's URL input before validation in Django
katy lavallee
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django, django admin, urlfield
Django Media Manager
Miguel Ramos
0 responses
django, media, suit, filebrowser
django, tastypie, coffee, stylus, backbone and require playing on heroku
justin j. moses
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heroku, django, coffee, backbone
Slugfield on Django
Oscar M.
0 responses
Pyramid-like view configuration in Django
Maxim Avanov
2 responses
python, django, 2nd, pyramid
django ajaxutils
Mattia Larentis
1 response
python, django
Django Number Choices
Lukas Klein
0 responses
python, django, list, zip
Django-enabled Polymer core-ajax variant
Julien Tanay
0 responses
django, csrf, webcomponents, polymer
Django NewRelic
Miguel Ramos
0 responses
django, metrics, newrelic
Django and SaaS
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django, saas
How to make Django believe directly hitting the IP is a certain host in nginx
Björn Andersson
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django, nginx, aws, elb
Django - interactive debugging
Ross Crawford-d'Heureuse
2 responses
django, pip, werkzeug, django_extensions
Erro em projetos Django após atualização do Mac OS (Snow, Lion)
Guilherme Elias
0 responses
python, django, pip
Ignoring Ghost Migrations
Ian Walter
0 responses
django, migrations, south, ghost migrations
Configurando django, gunicorn y supervisord en webfaction
Andrés Reyes Monge
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webfaction, django
Django project folder structure.
0 responses
python, django, folder strcture
Django Overriding Context Data in Class Based Views
Gerald Goh
0 responses
django, class based views
Package for capture exceptions in django management commands
Denis Veselov
0 responses
python, sentry, django, exception
Insert a websites absolute URI into a Django template
Cody Bonney
0 responses
python, django
How to Set Up a MySQL Database for a Mezzanine Project
Gungor Budak
0 responses
python, django, mysql, mezzanine
Mobile WebKit caches similar POSTs
Adam Thurlow
0 responses
android, django, http, ios
Django function to create form for a model object
Yohann Gabory
0 responses
python, django, models