Popular Css Programming Tips
Using Compass and Zen Grids' global variables
Rafael Silva
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css, drupal, sass, compass
Wrote a book about doing front-end dev in an existing rails app
Miles Matthias
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ruby, book, css, rails
File input customizing (copy\paste)
Artem Riasnianskyi
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css, html, input
Usando PureCSS
0 responses
css, responsive, purecss
Bower: A Brief Introduction
Simon W. Jackson
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css, web development, frontend, bower
CSS: opacity cross-browser rules
Davide Caruso
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css, opacity, cross-browser
Add distraction free mode for forms
Kasper Mikiewicz
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javascript, jquery, css, html
100% on body
Ka-Chun Chau
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Transforms affect computed z-index values
Matthew Webb
0 responses
css, transform, z-index, auto
Styling select!
Maria Manenti
0 responses
css, html
**Never**, ever forget browser prefixes for CSS keyframe animations. You just might smash your head on your keyboard if you do so.
0 responses
css, animation, keyframes, keyframe
Responsive CSS
Danny Outlaw
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css, responsive
Borders with box-shadow
Erik Royall
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css, technique