Popular Cocoa Programming Tips
NSArray is not a real array (in the common sense of the word)
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cocoa, ios, nsarray, objective-c
Elegant global access to App Delegate
Sendoa Portuondo
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cocoa, ios, iphone, app delegate
Xcode + VIM = ❤️
Christian Sampaio
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cocoa, ios, xcode, vim
Receive all notifications
Sergey Gavrilyuk
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cocoa, nsnotification, nsnotificationcenter, ios
Try out a new UITabBar in your application
Vincent Saluzzo
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cocoa, xcode, objective-c, uikit
API to determine whether running on iPhone or iPad
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cocoa, ios, objective-c
IPv6 Validator for Cocoa
Tito Ciuro
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cocoa, regex, networking, obj-c
Update UILabel in SubViewController from MainViewController
Robert Wünsch
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cocoa, ios, objective-c
Interface - @private
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cocoa, objective-c
An ARC Compatible Method To Return a UUID
Abizer Nasir
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cocoa, objective-c
Simplify your nil checking code
Toan Nguyen
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cocoa, ios, objc, nil
How to build Mac Apps with cool animation
Yan Li
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cocoa, coreanimation
Check for internet connection in Macruby
Jay Fajardo
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cocoa, macruby
Great analytics service
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cocoa, mobile, analytics, framework
Encode two ints into UIAlert view tag
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cocoa, tag, bitshift, uialertview
NSClassExists makro
Dominique d'Argent
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cocoa, osx, objc, ios
a better, unified main.m for OSX and iOS
Dominik Pich
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cocoa, ios
Instruments time range
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, mac, instruments