Popular Chef Programming Tips
Chef: EOFError - end of file reached
Boris Quiroz
1 response
chef, eoferror
Open-source Cloud Platform (*coming soon)
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
2 responses
ruby, scala, chef, knife
Cut through the role spaghetti
Mike Fiedler
0 responses
ruby, chef, knife
Overriding AWS opsworks templates ...with Berksfile
Robert R Arnold
5 responses
chef, aws, opsworks
Debug chef-solo runs in Vagrant
Gavin M. Roy
0 responses
vagrant, chef
Update your Vagrant Chef-solo recipes
antonio miranda
0 responses
vagrant, chef, librarian, rove.io
Bootstrap a new Ubuntu 12.10 EC2 instance with Knife + Chef
Kwarter, Inc.
1 response
webapp, chef, ec2, knife
s3fs cookbook
Tom Wilson
0 responses
ruby, chef, aws
Chef-solo integration with RVM.
0 responses
ruby, rvm, chef
Escape knife and the zsh auto correction hell.
Sascha Hoellger
0 responses
zsh, chef, knife, oh-my-zsh
Redisio a great redis cookbook.
Sascha Hoellger
0 responses
redis, chef
Set up a chef server on debian with fabric
Thomas Massmann
0 responses
python, chef, fabric
Rake task to bump version number
Enrico Stahn
0 responses
ruby, chef, rake
Vim syntax highlight for Cheffile
Gabor Garami
0 responses
ruby, vim, chef, opscode
Testing Chef on Multiple Environments using Vagrant
Emil Soman
0 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Monkey patch mysql recipe for using with chef solo
Cedric Dugas
0 responses
mysql, vagrant, chef
Chef in bash
Tom, Bom
0 responses
bash, chef
Continuous convergence with the chef-solo on the joyent smartmachine and meta-data API.
0 responses
chef, joyent, smartos, smartmachine
Vagrant: caching omnibus chef package
Dmitry Ivanov
0 responses
vagrant, chef, omnibus, vagrant-cachier
Your knife is slow? Sharpen it!
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
zsh, chef, knife, rbenv
Rails configuration yaml files served via chef
Marvin Marcelo
0 responses
ruby, rails, chef, aws-opsworks