Popular Coffeescript Programming Tips
Smooth Turns and Corners in Impact.js
Nickolay Schwarz
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game development, impact.js, coffeescript
Modern Front-End Workflow
Rok Fajfar
4 responses
coffeescript, haml, node, development
Image preview in javascript (coffeescript)
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coffeescript, javascript, image preview
_.deepBindAll for Underscore.js
Patrick Camacho
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underscorejs, javascript, coffeescript
Rich client-side applications for ASP.NET backends
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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nodejs, stylus, npm, workflow
Coffeescript & Jasmine Testing – Tool Support for Cloud9 IDE
Tobias Pfeiffer
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ide, cloud9, test-driven development, plug-in
Shorthand expression of JS objects in CoffeeScript
Paul Jensen
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Create jelly effect using spring equation
Kushagra Gour
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coffeescript, canvas, html5
CoffeeScript: Generic pattern for arguments as array or as options object
Eugene Mirotin
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coffeescript, function, coffee-script, parameters
Write arbitrary parameters in HTML tags using Javascript with this one weird trick
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coffeescript, javascript
Node for Rails developers: using Compound.js
Sagi Isha
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mvc, rails, node, coffeescript
Multi-Try $.promise
Patrick Camacho
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coffeescript, jquery, javascript
pp.js :: Pseudo-Parallel Async library ::
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nodejs, coffeescript, javascript
Simple UID generation with CoffeeScript
Igor Ramadas
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id, coffeescript, guid, uid
JavaScript <=> CoffeeScript conversion
Bashir Eghbali
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coffeescript, javascript
nodeJS very easy profiling using instrumentation
Sebastian Hoitz
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profiling, coffeescript, nodejs, instrumentation
Explain MySQL queries using Hubot.
Sam Lambert
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coffeescript, mysql, hubot
basic maths in coffeescript, á la lisp
Lee Machin
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lisp, exercises in pointlessness, javascript, coffeescript
Extend cleanly any JS class
Adam Stankiewicz
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Travis CI for Your CoffeeScript Project
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coffeescript, nodejs, node, ci
Take a screenshot of any website, using PhantomJS
Sean Dunn
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coffeescript, github
Modernizr-like Flash plugin detection
Cédric Néhémie
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coffeescript, css, feature-detection
Stop writing Wordpress themes like its 1998
Ryan Berry
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coffeescript, rails, haml, sql
Bring a robot
Kerry Snyder
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node, json, npm, modules
Automatically compile .less and .coffee files
Filippo Valsorda
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python, less, coffeescript