Popular Bash Programming Tips
Open all merge conflicts in your editor
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bash, zsh, git, vim
Search and replace with Perl in command line
0 responses
perl, command line, bash, search and replace
Bash, grep string in file with file name and line number.
Andrea Richiardi
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bash, grep, find, linux
Sort apt-cache search with a shell function
Harley Laue
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debian, apt, ubuntu, bash
Murder Java
Ben Glasser
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bashrc, java, bash
Screen Sharing for the Terminal
Steven Reid
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shell, osx, linux, collaboration
Re-enable apt-get auto completion
Hendra Gunawan
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open source, linux, bash
OSX logs every downloaded file!
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mac, bash
Investigate HTTP response times
2 responses
http, curl, response, latency
Replace string pattern in all files in directory linux/mac
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bash, console
Preview markdown from Vim
0 responses
vim, markdown, bash
Update version on rails migrations
Enrique Vidal
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ruby, rails, bash
Change Directory to Your Git Root
Reid Ransom
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shell, zsh, git, bash
Throttling parallel processes in your shell
Brian Phillips
0 responses
zsh, parallel, bash, process-control
Change directory, list files and print current directory path in one command
Samuel Lampa
1 response
shell, terminal, commandline, linux
remove all .DS_Store pollution
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shell, mac, hidden files, bash
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bash, ruby, rails
.bashrc alias & ssh
Dave Board
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shell, linux, bash
Fix PHP short_open_tags (<?)
Augusto Pascutti
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php, bash
Start Process as Daemon
Andrew Bigger
0 responses
bash, process daemon
Generating your own password!
Ricardo Pascua
2 responses
scripting, linux, ubuntu, bash
Recursively Remove Pesky .DS_Store Files
Andrew Bigger
0 responses
osx, mac, bash, ds_store
Move around the command line faster
Jair Trejo
0 responses
shell, zsh, bash
Repeat your last shell command.
Adam Bedell
1 response
shell, osx, command line, linux